THEATRE: as a powerful tool for the empowerment, education and inclusion

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Join us for a dynamic event showcasing how theatre empowers individuals, enhances education, and fosters inclusion.


  • Empowerment: Discover how theatre gives individuals a voice and builds confidence through acting and storytelling.
  • Education: Learn innovative techniques that make learning engaging and accessible.
  • Inclusion: Explore how inclusive theatre practices bring diverse communities together, breaking down barriers and promoting understanding.

We will delve into two interventions that highlight the potential of theatre as a catalyst for personal growth and social change:

Applied Theatre as a tool for Education and Therapy: Three examples of the PDWP in a therapeutic prison environment

In this session, we’ll explore how the Personal Development Workshop for Prisoners (PDWP) transcends traditional boundaries, particularly in the unique context of the Psychiatric Prison of Korydallos in Athens, Greece. Through the lens of theatre principles, this method becomes a beacon of hope for individuals diagnosed with various psychiatric disorders.

A Path to Non-Formal Education and Inclusion: Unveiling the Potential of Empowerment Theatre in Non-Formal Settings

Our second intervention focuses on Empowerment Theatre as a tool for non-formal education and inclusion. Drawing inspiration from Augusto Boal’s Forum Theatre and Paolo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, this method encourages participatory and emotional learning, fostering a sense of belonging and personal development.


Stathis Grapsas


He is the creator & facilitator of the Personal Development Workshop for Prisoners (PDWP) in Greek Prisons. The method has been applied to one quarter of the detention facilities in Greece and has also been presented abroad in various festivals and seminars. His training for this niche market began in London and was reinforced in Rotterdam. Stathis has been a collaborator for the National Theatre of Greece since 2018.

Bo Maria Daskalova

Irish Creative Training Center 

She holds an MA in Social Sciences and a PhD in Human Rights. With more than 25 years of experience in non-formal education, she has delivered training for projects, supported by programs of the EU, the Council of Europe; the World Bank; Open Society Foundations and a number of municipalities across Europe. She developed the Empowerment Theatre method as a tool for non-formal education and inclusion that has been used in academic, corporate and non-profit settings in more than 20 countries. 

Webinar recording
