our service
Social Research
In the frame of local development plans or in larger projects’ scale T-hap provides for the implementation of action research which also have social intervention effect on target groups. T-hap professionals can coordinate all the spectrum of scientific research activities and devices: from research question to the identification of KPIs, from data collection tool creation to actual gathering of data, from analysis to summary report editing. Diversified research tools are being selected in the process such as desk top inquiry, mapping, structured and semi-structured interviews, focus groups and brainstorming, participative observation, quantitative and qualitative surveys, word café, among others.

Social research
In the frame of local development plans or in larger projects’ scale T-hap provides for the implementation of action research which also have social intervention effect on target groups on which exploration are conducted. T-hap professionals are able to coordinate all the spectrum of scientific research activities and devices: from research question to the identification of KPI, from data collection tool creation to actual gathering of data, from analysis of data to summary report editing. Diversified research tools are being selected in the process such as desk top inquiry, mapping, structured and semi-structured interviews, focus groups and brainstorming, participative observation, quantitative and qualitative surveys, word café, among others.