Presentation Skills Masterclass

Soft skills are in top demand today. Vast amounts of information are transferred every day in millions of seminars and presentations worldwide. Presentation Skills and Public Speaking Skills are probably the most important soft skills that an educator or a professional in general can ever develop for success in the classroom and in life. Life is a series of presentations. Those who develop strong presentation skills and public speaking skills do well in school, secure jobs, and promotions and often ascend to the highest levels of leadership in corporations, governments, and civic life. People who fail to develop presentation skills often have their careers stagnate or plateau in the mid-range. If they are working in education, this lack of skills directly affects their students or even their parents. Sadly, presentation skills are either not taught in primary or secondary education or are taught poorly. This complete Presentation Skills Masterclass is a great way to get a master’s level education on how to present effectively. The course is offering in-depth training on every aspect of Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Slide Creation Skills, adding up basic knowledge on how to create simple Posters and Leaflets (by using exactly the same rules and tools!) and how to organise and set up a seminar.

Start Date

End Date

Mode of Learning

On site


Athens, Tsiller 61 @Hifaistos TBD, or arranged according to client’s expectation


Learning objectives

The training aims at introducing participants to the following:

  • – Basic and advanced presentation rules and techniques.
  • – Basic body language rules.
  • – Advanced “Google Presentations” collaboration techniques.
  • – Basic DTP techniques.
  • – Basic seminar organisation techniques.
Learning outcomes

After attending the training, the teachers will be able to:

  • – Create correct presentations according to the case or the audience.
  • – Use the right colours, font size and types. Understanding the Kessanidis’ rule, Kawasaki’s rule and PechaKucha.
  • – Create posters, leaflets and other prepress material (with the same tools).
  • – Create interactive slides, nonlinear presentations and simple quizzes.
  • – Stand and move properly, know how and where to look, and how to use their hands and legs.
  • – Use various tricks (how to warm up the presentation and attract attention, what to do if you are ashamed to look at the audience etc.).
Target group/s

Teachers with basic IT knowledge (preschool, primary, secondary and tertiary education). University students. Employees.

Training modules and contents

Who is presenting, basic rules (size, contrast, words), Kessanidis’ rule, Kawasaki’s rule, Pecha Kutcha. Why Google slides?
What makes presentations boring? What not to do! The 5 P’s of a presentation.

The art of moving. Body position and moves. Correctly using hands and feet. Looking at the audience. Replying to questions.

Attract attention. Adapt to your audience. Best fonts, presenting data and graphs, sounds and videos, effects, bullets, rule of thirds, empty space etc. Manipulating images. Special tricks.

Connecting slides, hiding slides, warnings, and rewards.
Special commands.

Advantages, disadvantages. Adjusting sizes and orientation. Two-sided printing. PDF and pre-press. Special rules.

Test and double check. Backup solutions. Test on site. What to do before, during and after the presentation.

Programme (per days)

Starting Sunday afternoon (about 16hr)
Ending Saturday at 12 noon

Welcome, orientation, guidelines. Team Building activity.

8:30-9:15 Presentation basics
9:15-10:00 Short break
10:00-11:15 Presentation basics and practice
11:15-11:45 Long break
11:45-13:00 Body language
13:00-13:15 Short break
13:15-14:30 Body language and practice.

8:30-9:15 Advanced slide techniques
9:15-10:00 Short break
10:00-11:15 Advanced slide techniques and practice
11:15-11:45 Long break
11:45-13:00 Advanced slide techniques
13:00-13:15 Short break
13:15-14:30 Advanced slide techniques and practice

8:30-9:15 Interactivity – nonlinearity
9:15-10:00 Short break
10:00-11:15 Interactivity – nonlinearity and practice
11:15-11:45 Long break
11:45-13:00 Using presentations as DTP
13:00-13:15 Short break
13:15-14:30 Using presentations as DTP and practice

8:30-9:15 Organising a presentation and a seminar
9:15-10:00 Short break
10:00-11:15 Organising a presentation and a seminar
11:15-11:45 Long break
11:45-13:00 Final project explanation
13:00-13:15 Short break
13:15-14:30 Final project

8:30-9:15 Final projects
9:15-10:00 Short break
10:00-11:15 Final projects
11:15-11:45 Long break
11:45-13:00 Final Project presentations
13:00-13:15 Short break
13:15-14:30 Final Project presentations

8:30-9:15 Evaluation
9:15-10:00 Short break
10:00-12:00 Finalisation and farewell.


Trainers and facilitator

Alessandro Carbone
Stelios Kessanidis


The price includes all taxes and fees

Payment methods

Credit card, Paypal, bank transfer