Praise for project management programmes, or rather not? (part 2/2)

 In fact, an effective project coordinator must excel in leadership skills, be able to work in teams and create a good team atmosphere, needs to have remarkable time management skills of his/her own life and professional duties, has to excel in the way he/she communicates personally with colleagues and co-workers, has to apply this capacity to an intercultural environment which usually is represented by a multinational partnership. In addition, project managers will find themselves in situations where quick or thorough decision making and problem-solving abilities shall be excerpted, need to have sound negotiation skills, need to know languages – and slang expressions – as they are used by partners. Are project management tools able to substitute human and professional skills as the ones listed above? Are the suggested programs able to replace the indispensable human ability to relate to aspects concerning the human dynamics which come with transnational teamwork? We doubt.

In addition to that project managers, as persons, need to distinguish themselves in qualities that are often not taken into consideration, but might need to be listed as complementary for quality purposes. Here are the ones we think apply: ethical thinking, patience, endurance, persistency, goal focus, order, promptness, accountability, and ….. you add to the list.

Far be it from us to demonise or undervalue the project management applications, but those who had the fortune to coordinate funded projects well know that the human dimension of coordination of working people cannot be fully addressed and completed by digital tools, more is needed. Unfortunately, these necessary professional skills and in some cases human attitudes – as listed above- cannot be taught in compact training programs for PMs, they are indeed the outcome of long-time working experience in the field, and patient personal training and insight. For this reason, all project management tools might be quite equal, on the contrary, not all project managers are the same.