T- Hap is not just an organization. It is a concept. It aims at optimizing chances for wellness in people’s lives. It provides an umbrella of experts and services for wellness to be established and enhanced. It sees people not only as individuals, but also as parts of a system, which they both influence and are influenced by it; therefore, the target of T-hap actions are single persons, professionals in their different working environments and communities (both real and virtual).
In reality, the very essence of T-hap lies within the “magical AND”. It brings together professionals from various work environments, to work under “win- win situations”, creating not just networks, but really cultures of well- meant, highly efficient individuals towards wellness.
Why wellness
The spirit of the time influences us all. The quest for more consumption, extremely fast pace of life, higher standard of living, acquisition of goods, ever growing needs, individualistic focus, have already drained us from our resources. As a response, T-Hap developed to address the need for flourishing with finite, scarce resources, dealing successfully with a continuous and vast volume of information, experiencing collaborative ways of existence, lowering of stress and various kinds of anxiety, addressing the different levels of the human existence, optimizing mental health and wellness in our lives. Ultimately, wellness is what we all aim at.
How wellness is achieved
What T-hap offers with regards to wellness optimisation can be described through three basic tenets: Education, Therapy, and Travelling. These enable people to find meaning, live with flow and satisfaction and experience “wellness” in various ways. In particular,
- Education, practically expressed by the action of Training, is the creation of a knowledgeable background where people, professionals, and society create a solid foundation for their lives, the capacity to act creatively and produce, the acquisition of skills and capacities to interact within themselves and with others, so as to assure wellness for themselves and for the world in general.
- Therapy, in the different forms of counselling, supervision, and therapeutic interventions, works for the creation of the necessary changes to make wellness a desired and possible option, to produce the conditions for wellness to be reached, and to maintain the circumstances so that wellness can be an on-going status.
- Travelling, which is another way to generate wellness in people, has the forms of physical movements (tourism), or the fascinating investigation and expression of travelling done by reading, playing (music, sports, games), creating art and craft works, spiritually meditating, or being absorbed by any form of culture. Either literally or symbolically, travelling is the constant search for wellbeing on behalf of human kind.