Mental Health Initiatives (part 2/5): An overview of Joint Action ImpleMENTAL

The Joint Action ImpleMENTAL is a significant EU-funded project aimed at improving mental health care across the European Union. This project brings together 21 Member States, focusing on the implementation of mental health system reforms, suicide prevention programs, and tackling depression through a collaborative and comprehensive approach. 



Mental health has become a priority for the European Commission, especially in the wake of challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, rising living costs, geopolitical tensions, digitalisation, and climate change. These factors have aggravated the mental health situation in the EU, highlighting the need for effective care, the elimination of stigma, and the protection of human rights for those with mental disorders. The Joint Action ImpleMENTAL project is a response to these challenges, aiming to enhance mental health care, promote good mental health, and facilitate the sharing of best practices across EU Member States.


Overview of Joint Action ImpleMENTAL

| Background and Objectives

The Joint Action ImpleMENTAL project is supported by the Third Health Programme of the European Union. It focuses on transferring best practices in the areas of mental health system reforms and suicide prevention. The project aims to improve access to effective mental health care, reduce the stigma associated with mental disorders, and promote the rights of individuals with mental health issues.

| Consortium and Collaboration

The project involves a consortium of 21 Member States, coordinated by the National Public Health Organisation of Greece. The collaboration extends to various stakeholders, including government bodies, health professionals, and mental health advocates, ensuring a multi-faceted approach to mental health care.


Recent Developments

| 2nd Annual Consortium Meeting

In September 2023, the 2nd Annual Consortium Meeting of the Joint Action ImpleMENTAL project took place in Murcia. This event served as a platform for stakeholders to discuss the progress of the project, share insights, and plan future actions. The meeting was attended by notable figures, including Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, and Dimitrios Vartzopoulos, Deputy Minister of Health of the Hellenic Republic.

| Focus on Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention

The project has placed a strong emphasis on mental health promotion, the prevention and early detection of mental health problems, and increased treatment and care in community settings. The meeting highlighted the need for a public health approach to mental health, involving all policies and sectors, and the importance of cultural change for sustainable mental health reform.

| Regional Commitments

The government of the Region of Murcia expressed its commitment to mental health, outlining its Strategy for the Improvement of Mental Health 2023-2026. This strategy focuses on transforming services towards more community-based and rights-based intervention models, with special attention to mental health promotion, prevention, and support for vulnerable groups. The region has also dedicated specific plans for suicide prevention and support for young patients with suicidal intents.


Future Plans and Expectations

The Joint Action ImpleMENTAL project is expected to play a crucial role in enhancing the reform of national mental health systems across the EU. Authorities are anticipated to tailor and customize best practices according to their specific needs, resources, and cultural contexts. The project aims to facilitate the transition from psychiatric hospitals to modern community networks of psychosocial services, ensuring social integration and the elimination of stigma.

The European Commission’s recent announcement on Mental Health and the significant funding of 1.2 billion euros provide the necessary tools to support and develop homogeneous and cost-effective services in every Member State. The Joint Action ImpleMENTAL project is poised to be at the forefront of this transformation, contributing to the improvement of mental health care and the promotion of mental well-being across the EU.



The Joint Action ImpleMENTAL project represents a significant step forward in the EU’s commitment to improving mental health care and promoting mental well-being. Through collaboration, the sharing of best practices, and a comprehensive approach to mental health, the project aims to address the complex challenges of mental health in the EU and contribute to the creation of a society where mental health is prioritized and valued.