Digital Humanities

Challenges and opportunities between Cultural Heritage and Disruptive Technology

The fruition of Cultural Heritage in the digital era with its characteristics of “immersion and co-presence”, has a strong effect on the production of information, whose multi-experiential value has prompted places and cultural operators to rethink their physical spaces and the methods of production and sharing of its contents.
The webinar will investigate the different forms of confluence of art, science, technology , through a contextualization of the ideas of innovative education for Digital Cultural Heritage starting from the principles of the Faro Convention and of the New European Bauhaus and the “right of every citizen to be
educated in the knowledge and responsible use of digital for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage and places of culture”.


David Alberto Murolo

Digital and multimedia producer for Cultural Heritage Communication

He has studied disciplines of performing arts, music and drama (DAMS) with a focus on Cinema. He is the founder, collaborator and project consultant of Italian and European companies and cultural institutions that work in the field of digital humanities.. He teaches as an adjunct lecturer in various universities and training centers in the sectors of Cultural Heritage, Contemporary Art, Cinema and Photography, Television and New Media for the Promotion of Cultural Heritage. For over 30 years he has been building and exploring environments that support experimental agility to cogenerate creative, educational and sustainable contents to support solutions aimed at social, urban and landscape improvement, as an indispensable factor for a new humanism.
Passionate about music, art and travel books, he collaborates with many artistic and cultural festivals and coordinates Italian and foreign publications on the history, art, environment and cultures of the Mediterranean.

Webinar recording

Coming soon….


Coming soon….