Inclusive learning environments and sel through cinema
It is an Erasmus + project that aims to create inclusive learning environments and SEL through the Cinema.
In order to grow and thrive as autonomous, active, and productive citizens in a fast-changing world, youngsters need to have cognitive and non-cognitive competencies and resources to achieve their goals. While academic achievement at school partially predicts success in adulthood, non-cognitive competencies may better predict life success than cognitive ones. SEL (Social-emotional learning) in this context, is helpful to adolescents, to increase self-awareness, academic achievements, and positive behaviors both in and out of the classroom.
Strongly linked to these premises, the CLOSE project aims at empowering and upskilling both teachers and students in their educational process, by enhancing cinema as a pedagogical/educational language, as a part of a wider SEL approach, to strengthen social and emotional skills, emotional intelligence, social and relational competences, life skills, first of students, to equip them with all key competencies they need for being tolerant and responsible citizens.