Empowering people with Severe Mental Health Difficulties through inclusion in every step of the training and therapeutic path
This Erasmus + (KA204) project aims at enabling people with severe mental health difficulties to be included socially, through ensuring their inclusion in every step of the training and/or therapeutic pathway - from planning to evaluation. That will be achieved through the proper training and preparation of volunteers, friends/family, mental health professionals, who surround and support people with severe mhd. At the same time, it will facilitate all people surrounding the target to ensure its equal participation in every aspect of their life.
On the other hand, trainers, trainees, professionals, volunteers and youth workers, support workers, as well as family and friends, will become familiar with ways of social inclusion and be acquainted with solutions while working with people with smhd. This project will introduce a cross-European terminology on severe mhd, that can play an important role in forming new beliefs for severe mental health distress, which, in consequence, may lead to a new approach in the social inclusion of people with smhd.